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Dude, let me ask you again, what exactly is your problem with the statement that Mass Effect is the greatest new IP this gen???
Yes, you can claim all you want that you liked Infamous (i wonder, have you ever played Crackdown?), and that THIS is the greatest IP, but everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, so that's it!
What is this that you judge and guess what console I have or what games I played?
I played all the mentioned new IP's except Rock Band, but I guess we are sane persons, no need to bring this game again to the ring, hah?
The fact that I think The Conduit is a mediocre game or Heavenly Sword, is just a little bigger than a demo and just descent, means that I didn't play them?

In the end, Mass Effect is the game that gained its huge momentum not from the promotion but, basically from the word of mouth, because it is just so awesome that the word was spread.
In this generation, I haven't seen a game multiplying its momentum in such a rapid way.