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We all know that next Monday BattalionWarsII will be hitting shelves. But has Nintendo pretty much left it for dead?

The official website launched today only half a week before the game hits stores. This in itself seems alittle odd considering sites often play a big role in marketing games.  The website being launched so late could negatively affect the titles launch appeal because not as many people have had a chance to check out the latest information on it.

Nintendo Power has been virtually the only magazine publication that actually has broken any news about BWII and even Nintendo Power hasn't really given it much coverage. Their haven't been any television ads that I've seen while the origional BattalionWars was advertised in the main GameCube commercials (Here in Canada).

 BattalionWars is what the third or fourth Wii title to be online, the games prediscessor is well known for lacking multiplayer. Everyone was ranting about how much they wanted to play the game with multiple armies and players. So with so much potential why isn't Nintendo pushing its online funcitionality and marketing the game more online. I mean it is the third Wifi game that I know of thats a big deal.

It would appear Nintendo hasn't just left marketing to the last minute but failed to market the game at all. With only days left till launch their is no marketing in sight. Did Nintendo pretty much leave BattalionWars for dead, could it possibly succeed without any marketing at all, will the hardcore installed fanbase be the only thing that keeps this title from being a complete disaster?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer