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I got a chance to play it for about an hour last night before I passed out (moved yesterday so went to bed early) and it is awesome.

It's absolutely everything I hoped it would be and more. If you like point and click adventures, you're going to feel very at home and very happy. I love the sound effects, I love the humor, I love the animations, I love the Wiimote use, and I like the puzzles. I would have liked it if it was a more open world where you find something in one area and use it to clear something 20 areas over, but that's no complaint. This game does a beautiful job of being a great puzzle game.

My *only* complain is that there's this bone composer that you have to shake the remote in time with a song in order for him to do...something. I don't know what happens when you do it right because I couldn't do it right. I don't know if it was because I was tired or what, but I had no clue what to do on this part. The instruction said something like ring the bell in time with the song being played and the bells but I couldn't get anything to work right. I'll try it again tonight but I just have no idea how I'm supposed to work that part. Luckily it's a bonus part in an area (and I assume other areas too) so it's no huge worry.