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We totally agree. However, there is one minor point you must consider: In order that the plane stays stationary on the belt (as per myth), the speed of the treadmill has to be increased (by the mythbusters) when the engine power is inceased by the pilot to increase airflow und consequently uplift (otherwise the plane would indeed start to roll forward off the belt).

I'm pretty sure constructing a special plane that generates enough uplift with its propellers alone would way overcome the (financial and aironautical) capacity of the mythbusters, so in their real test with an ultralight plane (which won't do it just because it is 'ultralight'), they will have a hard time to even achieve a stationary plane as this situation actually requires an active feed-back system to constantly cancel out any plane/belt speed differences. Without a feed-back system, all the pilot will do is frantically power up/down the engine(s) to stay on the belt due to all those litlle influences that separate theoretical physics from the real world physics..


*ç%*ç what happened with the quoting?? Everytime a correct a misspelling in my text, the quotes turn black..