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I hear ya... i think the "console wars" are just stupid. All platforms have great games, and competition only benefits us, the gamers and consumers, because platform holders try harder. It's a win-win for us, but some people (on all sides) prefer that only their "precious" chosen console has all the games, pretty pathetic if you ask me.

360 fanboyism annoys me just as much as Sony fanboyism, it's just that VGChartz has much more of the latter, and they are a bit spoiled, because they were used to win in the previous generations. Also doesn't help that a lot of people are teens / young adults that grew up effectively as the "playstation generation", while i had a ZX Sinclair Spectrum, and NES, Megadrive (Genesis), etc, i don't have the deluded notion that "gaming is PlayStation" lol