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RolStoppable said:


If the definition of online includes both local area network and global area network then you are right, MKDD and 1080° were online games. Just not global.

Where I live online gaming means global and LAN does not mean online. At least to all people I know.

As a sidenote Sony established one big thing in gaming: the fact that people accepted and believed that long loading games in console games are necessary. Luckily they failed to do the same in the portable market.

People, don't take this sidenote too serious, although it's sort of true.

I love that sidenote. Technology advances are supposed to make things run smoother not get more cumbersome. It's not solely for graphical output.

I think the people's love of those 3rd party icons made them accept those loadtimes rather than Sony's implementation. If not for Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, and all the rest only showing up on Sony's platform predominantely people woulda tossed that slow tech out on its 'arsenal'. I remember finding a 3DO Super Street Fighter II Turbo in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart years ago (would see that thing in there forever so one day I finally picked it up) and gave it to my friend who had a 3DO. I remember when your power level got low to the danger level where the music gets faster, this daggone thing had to pause and load up the danger music before continuing! I'm like BOOOOOOOOO!!!

You're up there fighting and there's this brief moment of silence where the BGM breaks to load the faster danger music. I SEE why Nintendo had concerns about using CD's on their system looking at the CD-based systems of the time.
My biggest beef with Sony really is how they've lowered the bar for system design. That's what REALLY irritates me about them more than anything. I can't stand higher priced lower quality goods. I'm very glad the PS3 is better in durability (for that price it'd better be) but if that system still has long load times I'm like forget it. In the CD days that coulda been a forgivable excuse but not now. Especially not now. No gamesystem be it XBox 360, PS3, or Wii should have long load times anymore. That's a big no-no in my book. GC's Battalion Wars annoys me with that long yellow bar going across the screen on every scenario. That had BETTER be straightened out on BWii.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot