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If you want to impress girls and score at your age, it is going to be difficult. Freshman boys are lowest on the social hierarchy. The girls at your age, especially if they have something to offer, usually choose older boys. Nevertheless, there are some things you can do to increase your chances.

First, you must dress nice and have good hygiene; however, you must not become obsessed with your appearance. You must ingratiate yourself with popular upperclassman. Doing this increases your popularity and therefore increases your chances with girls. Playing sports and being socially active will also aid you on your quest. Do not date a girl if she is unpopular and/or ugly. Associating yourself with such a girl could damage your reputation. Only date an unpopular and/or ugly girl if you can use her as a stepping stone to another girl. Also, and this is most difficult for teenagers, you must be patient. Do not make rash decisions. Making a rash decision could ruin your reputation for the remainder of your high school years.