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Soriku said:
Well, if you're just gonna rant about EA, why bother buying their games?

Because I don't buy any games with the intention of ranting about them. As a matter of fact, I don't partake of any activity with the intention of ranting about it. The rant comes from the feeling of being had. The rant does not come for the sake of ranting. The purchase of Madden did not come for the sake of ranting. The rant comes because a pretty fun game is riddled with bugs. If the game itself sucked, I'd have no problem with it. I'd have been a fool to have bought a game like that. It's the whole game-not-working and crashing/locking up that really bugs me. If Madden on Wii is basically the same old PS2 game with nifty motion controls, why the heck is the game so buggy? The PS2 build has been around for ages. So you'd think that the problem would be with the new fangled motion controls, not locking up between menus and save files that won't load. RolStoppable, a life without EA games sounds pretty nice. However, every few years I have to have a Sim City game. :)

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."