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ssj12 said:
sieanr said:
ssj12 said:
konnichiwa said:
makingmusic476 said:
If I recall correctly, GameSpot is a subset of the C|Net network, and C|Net is owned by MS if I'm not mistaken. Teh conspiracy!!1!

Jup true Leo-J told me that.

Shockingly Leo is correct. C|Net is owned by Microsoft and GameSpot is owned by C|Net. idk about the Microsoft biased by the masssive a banner of the 360 that randomly appears on all Sony and Nintendo pages does point to something.

Shockingly you're both wrong.

Cnet is a publicly traded company, of which Microsoft does not own a part of. For example, Cnet gave the PS3 a higher review score than both the 360 and Wii, so theres you're pro sony bias.

Oh, and theres no way this score was handed out to generate more traffic. Everything happens because of anit-sony FUD, its what makes the world go round.

 ok so leo might be wrong (could have sworn M$ owns 15% of C|Net) but w/e. All i know is that I hate gamespot and always has. I only trust IGN with reviews and have since the SNES days. 

Hey I think everyones all for listening to people saying that Gamespot likes to low rate high rated games for traffic.  But to claim they are MS based, when their difference off the average of PS3 and 360 games are nearly undistinguishable is just crazy.