There i took a print screen of the PS2/GC/X-Box fight (not much of a fight) for christmas 2005, where the highest week was the week ending the 25th (so including 24th/23rd/22nd etc) and that week is not much of a significant increase over the previous week, which shows the 24th, even when it is a saturday (this year a monday) doesn't have enough of a significant pull on it's it wouldn't be able to pull this years week ending 30th dec above the 23rd.
i drew on an orange line to show what the Wii might do with a supply of about 5 million (similar to what PS2 did that year) It keeps the dgradient going up to the last week because the weeks are set back by 2 days, but because the 24th is included in that last week it is much higher afterwards than PS2 was.
I think it could be higher overall than that though because i think a supply of 6 million is more probable.
oh. p.s. You can see the effect that thanksgiving had on the week ending 11/27/05 (i hate writing the month before the day) caused a bump in the gradient similar the the one the 360 had last year, but nothing significant enough to cause the week after to be anything near similar sales.
edit; it cut the last bit off so i resized it slightly.