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Guys! I'v figured out how Nintendo is doomed!

Nintendo goes for there daily swim at the bank in there account when suddenly before all Nintendo staff can get changed....


Suddenly three metric tons (about 5 billion dollars) in cash collapses killing all Nintendo staff.

Hey it makes just as sense claiming a system that hasn't had a price drop, colour change outside of japan, sells way more software, as well still outsells the competition despite the 360 is already CHEAPER on a regular basis despite a bad economy.  

Yeah I'm sure Sony, who's sold much less software, much less hardware and having well basically is not competition now (hey third place does that)  gets a price drop will suddenly change everything.  I'm just going to say what I said to the 360 fanbase when they were getting all excited being there system was now cheaper than the Wii.

Just let it go.

Thats it, just let it go, Nintendo already won.  You can clearly see that when the competition are now trying to introduce there motion controls in 2010 (in sony case there second attempt)  The industry is now playing catch up with Nintendo.  The numbers they would have to sell at to catch up is not possible now or even have enough systems BUILT to meet that demand.

The PS3 isnt a bad system, I like it and will own one (INFAMOUS!).  The 360 isnt a bad system (when it doesnt break on me) I like it.

But its time to let the sales war go.


When you do, you can just go and enjoy playing games...