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MontanaHatchet said:
RayRay102 said:

We all know Fable 3 has just been announced and will be released in the Fall of 2010. First 2 games sold over 3 millions a piece

Halo Reach will sell millions and could break sales record. It will also be Bungie last Halo game so they go out with a bang.

Gears oF War 3 IMO will be released in Nov 2010 (2 years apart like the first two games) 10 miliion selling franchise.

I also think Half Life 2 episode 3 will be revealed either at next year GDC or E3 and will be released end of 2010 based on this

Also, the release of Natal with RARE support and a launch lineup of games for it.


If this is indeed realty, will this be the best fall exclusive lineup in the history of gaming for one console? Does Nintendo or Sony have an answer to this protential blockbuster Fall lineup. Please jump in and debate.


Really, Fable 3 will be out in Fall 2010? Good to know, for those who enjoy it. The first Fable definitely didn't sell over 3 million, and the second Fable just reached 3 million very quickly, but it had a lot of help from bundles. I seriously doubt that Halo Reach will break sales records. Short term? I doubt it. I see that belonging to Halo 3. Long term? Obviously not. Gears of War 3 is one of my most anticipated games this generation, but it won't be a huge console mover. The userbase for Gears is already on the 360. And the fact that it's a 10 million selling franchise is hardly impressive. The fact that it sold 10 million over 2 games is great, but a 10 million selling franchise isn't that amazing. Also, Half Life? On consoles, you mean? Who cares? Natal should be interesting, but it seems the hype has already died down from E3. Can it keep up 'til Fall of next year? I wonder. And by the way, this will be nowhere close to the best Fall lineup ever (even if it is all true).

PS2 lineup, 2001 (starting in September):


Devil May Cry

Grand Theft Auto III

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

Ace Combat 4


Metal Gear Solid 2

Jak and Daxter

The 360 still has a great 2010 lineup though. I can't wait to play some of those games.


I don't know what this is I will just reply about what I want...

ICO = Sony Game

DMC = Good 3rd party exclusive

GTAIII= also on Xbox

Tony hawk games are cool....

Ace combat was ok at one point...

MGS 2 = Also on Xbox..

Jak = Sony game