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makingmusic476 said:
konnichiwa said:
makingmusic476 said:
The GS forums in the aftermath of the R&C review:

This is almost as bad as the TP flop. I'll never forgive them for that one.

OMG, I want to read those topics!!

This is going to be so fun...

 Most of them were locked after the first 2-3 posts.  You go back a few pages on the GS System Wars board, and you'll fine like ten topics in a row all locked with only 1 post, haha.  I swear, you can go as far back as 11-12 pages and still find loads of topics on the R&C score.

 Some of those comments are really hilarious!!

AARON THOMASU used to be Editor-in-Chief at So do you think he is still biased?



Arnold Schwarzenegger used to be a famous actor. Look at him now.