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It's a question of taste.

For example, for my tastes the lineup you've mentioned has little interest.  And I think that while Natal looks fantastic as an interface I also think it's the weakest of the three options that should at that time be available for using motion controls for playing games.  Finally, titles such as Half Life 3 are PC titles for me.

So I'd say sure, I think Nintendo and Sony can handle that lineup.

Equally, if Fable, Halo, etc are to your tastes, and you're looking to console for Valve games, then they might struggle to match MS lineup from your point of view.

It's all relative, as they say.

I think what you're really trying to say, at the risk of seeming arrogant or rude, is that you think that the MS lineup may be more popular with more people.

It might, but I think that it'll be a close run thing rather than any kind of whitewash.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...