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Acevil said:

So by September 2010 Wii is finished? Wasn't this the same group that promised as Wii HD by this year or was it next year. I believe they sayid Wii HD will be out by the third year of Wii's life.

Wait that wasn't invisible walls. Wait they did say was that Wii games need to sell 2 million to make a profit...that maid be lol when it happened.

Their latest episode might have been revealing of how much out of touch they are with the market - I wouldn't call it any less professional than what they usually do - but they never made the claim in bold.

It was made by a guest - someone who worked on the Wanted game - and they were very surprised of that claim and even tried to steer him back into more reasonable numbers.

As for the latest episode, I can't understand the sudden commotion. Invisible Walls never was a place of attentive market analysis or deep critical thinking. It's a lineup of opinionated guys often going off into very self-absorbed rants about the Batman game they would like to see or what they play themselves with friends. The usual hosts are clearly representative of a certain type of gamers and have often shown their limited scope in the past.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman