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Rath said:
konnichiwa said:
Conan a multiplatform game haves an avarage score of 70% And Edge gives it a 7/10.

R&C had a an avarage of 92% and they gave it a 8/10.

Eye of judgement haves an avarage score of 81% and they gave it a 4/10.

I think they don't like PS3 games =/.

 No Edge just hates games in general, -12% overall on Gamerankings, -13% on PS3. An insignificant difference.

 Yeah I just Checked them.  And the difference X360 games -9%   PS3 games -13%

Strange numbers.  There is no PS3 review that scored more than the avarage ranking on Gamerankings.

But then they give a lot of schooters bad reviews like

Bioshock a 8/10
Call of Duty 2 a 7/10
Call of Duty 3 a 7/10 (I can agree with this though).
Geow a 8/10
Resistance a 7/10
Metroid Prime a 7/10

AND HALO 3  A 10/10  =  The only shooter that they gave more points than the avarage ranking =/.