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What people fail to understand is that if MS cuts the price again, it wouldn't change things now.

There is a 'sweet spot' in console price (299$) and the 360 already reached it long ago. The PS3 just reached it. That's the price where most people accept to buy a gaming console. Selling lower only bring a few more buyers.

As I already said multiple times, PS3 was beating 360 in worldwide sales every week before MS last september price cut. Sony was actually already winning at that time, even with a higher price point.

It was on the way to kill the 360 quickly, so MS had no choice : it had to make the 360 affordable to basically everybody and reach the sweet spot : that's what they did last september.

But even like that, with one console on the sweet spot price and the other one not affordable, MS was just selling roughly the same as PS3 recently. So of course they were still beaten.

Right now, any new 360 price cut would give them few more sales since everybody can already afford one.

Like I wrote a long time ago, Sony basically decides when they win the war, all they need to do is cut the price to under 300$. Then both consoles are on the sweet spot, and what you see is the real sales potential, where Sony crushes MS since MS couldn't even beat them with the huge 'sweet spot pricing' advantage.

It was easily predictable that PS3 would win the war the day they cut the price to under 299$...