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makingmusic476 said:
kowenicki said:

Do you seriously believe there wont be a reduction in MS (and possibly Ninty) prices over the next 2 months?

Its as if people expect MS and Ninty just say , "oh shit PS3 reduced prices... didnt see that coming... guess thats that then... close the doors and forget it fellas".

This site is hysterical at the moment.... some sanity and perpective needs to return.

Microsoft most certainly *did* see it coming, and that is why they planned a drop in the Elite's price to coincide with the ps3 cut. 

That's all they'll do this Holiday.  Their next step is waiting until next year and making a big push with Natal.  Dipping below $199 would probably force them to raise prices when including Natal next year, something they would not want to do.  Staying at $199 gives them the power to create an excellent bundle at $199 next Holiday season.

And stop calling the site "hysterical" simply because they don't agree with your opinion. Remember that the ps3 outsold the 360 for almost a year in 2008 before Microsoft really responded.  Microsoft and Nintendo try to make the most financially responsible decisions, not decisions that'll screw the competitor in the hopes of pleasing their army of fanboys.

Certainly one of the more down to earth comments I have seen on this topic over the past week. 

If this was a boxing match between Sony and Microsoft...

2005 > All Microsoft as Sony shipped a year later

2006 > Sony came out swinging and Microsoft held ground

2007 > Even matchup where 360 had a strong lineup (Halo and Mass Effect) and Sony had a strong lineup (Uncharted and Ratchet) - TIE

2008 > Microsoft dropped price and won the round with a knockdown after losing most of the year.

2009 > Showing to be a true boxer Sony came off the mat and are using slim to duplicate Microsoft's surprise punch last year.

2010 > Last round!  Winner is up in the air...  Both look to have monster game lineups and motion controls.   God of War III and GT5 (if GT5 doesn't ship this year) are synonymous with the PS brand.  But what if Microsoft pressures price again and releases its own slim design?  What if one of the two motion controls really appeals to people more?  How will both improve their online networks?  How many more tricks do they both have?

We can speculate, but, by the end of 2010 I think we will have a clear leader between the two HD consoles.  I don't think anyone can predict which one with any accuracy.