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konnichiwa said:
naznatips said:

The 10s thrown around bother me too. Bioshock, MP3, Halo 3, and now this. 10s should be given out maybe once or twice a generation. The only game that actually may have deserved a 10 (Orange Box) actually got fewer than any of those. That's just dumb.

I agree with you but I know a lot of people who would disagree with you.

A game on a two year old engine deserves no 10 =/.

One of the deepest and most balanced multiplayer games of all time plus the most creative use of physics puzzles of all time (and the funniest) plus an excellently executed game on a 2 year old engine PLUS two old games sound like a 10 to me.   The only excuse for taking any points of Ep2 is the graphics, and thats a stupid reason to remove points from any game.  Especially from a game that's so close to artistic perfection.  Gaming will never be taken seriously as an art form when we value polygon count over artistic excellence.