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Saying Wiisport would have reach the same figure if sold separately is pure speculation. And it's sadly not with the VG Cahrts data, saying that there is more Wii sport in japan than Wii consoles (yeah...) that you can check out this. But just ask yourself : why did Nintendo decide to include Wiisport in the US/EU and not in japan ? Where they expecting a different behavior/reception ?

The fact is Wiisport+Wii cannot be considered as a bundle in US or EU simply because you don't have the choice. If you buy the Wii, then you have Wiisport, period. You cannot determine its price because it doesn't have one in these territories. Wiisport does NOT even exist as an actual product in EU/US, neither for the shops (no ref.) or the customs.

Any other bundles (including Wiisport) are optionals. And that make a difference because the fact that you choose a specific bundle mean you WANT to pay for what it has to offer, and usually, you pay an extra for it (while not full price). In Wiisport case, you're in fact comparing the sales of a console with the sales of games.


Wiiplay case is interesting. I think it belongs to charts just like platinum games do or downloadable ones should.

Charts are suppose to show how much a game sell, how much money a customer put in a console and the VG direct market (not second hand) can generate.

Ignoring budget games, downloadable games and such, is pretty much like trying to evaluate the movie industry by only taking in account theaters, while ignoring DVD releases and TV diffusions. It's inaccurate.

Many analysts are understanding that figures concerning the PC for the last 5 years are meaningless because the huge developping market of indy/budget games is just ignored. Bejeweled 2 sold several millions units and it doesn't even appear in any charts... NPD only include last year the monthly fees of MMO (hard to ignore WoW I guess) and it represant 1/3 of PC gaming revenues !

If you expect to have relevant figures in any vg charts, you need to include as much sold games as possible : Mainstream, XBLA, VC, PSN, STEAM, budget, and even bundle, as long as it's a voluntary and direct buy.