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Blubeard said:

First of all it hasn't been a year yet.  So let's get to the questions.


1 "Why is the president spending an assload of money?"

weeell President roosevelt spent a lot of money in order to start programs to build bridges and whatnot. I seriously don't see any reason that spending money on bailouts, Ad campaigns to get people to go back to school is such a big deal. He is also spending a lot of money on healthcare reform.

2. Is the president's idea of healthcare reform going to eliminate my healthcare?     

It should be taken into account that nobody complained when medicare was brought into effect. there are also a lot of people in congress wanting side by side public and private care.  However it does not truthfully matter if you lose your private healthcare.  Whether or not you will be covered is not debatable. Many private insurance plans aren't sufficient anyway. If you truly believe that america is horrible now I should remind you that our country survived two world wars, the segregation movement and it's downfall, and the civil war. Among other things.

3. Is the president SOCIALNISM?

No, the accusation that Barrack hussein Obama is a socialist is not a valid question or argument.
Anyone who honestly believes this is not worthy of pity or respect or credence.

May god have mercy on your soul.

4. Is the president going to legalize gay marriage?

I assume that you believe that everyone should live under a Judeo-Christian belief system.  You are worthy of scorn and I hope we don't have to listen to your bigotry any longer.

Ok folks feel free to discuss, this is a forum afterall

1 - Adjusted for inflation etc... Obama is spending 4x faster than FDR did, and is actually set to pass 8 years of FDR spending in right around 2 years time.  In addition Obama is starting out with a significantly larger national debt as well. 

In short, even if you buy into the meme that the "New New Deal" is a good plan for economic recovery it simply isn't feasible in our current situation.  The way we are paying for all of this money right now is through printing more - this WILL cause inflation.  This is precisely why Buffet (who backed Obama in the election) has recently come out and said Obama needs to stop this or we will turn into a Banana can look it up if you don't know quite what "Banana Republic" means but that is where we are headed under the insane print and spend government we have going right now.

2 - It should be taken into account that Obama doesn't actually have a bill that is his.  We can speculate why but the fact is that he doesn't have his own plan/bill.  This lack of leadership on his signature issue is a pretty good reason people are saying he is a bad president.

3 - Your own view here is somewhat misguided.  There is absolutely legitimate question as to how socialist Obama's policies truly are, there isn't a final verdict on the issue by any stretch but you actually make yourself the one to be given no credence by attempting to rule it out without consideration.  His stated aspirations and policies to date are unquestionably a step towards a socialist government - the real question is whether this step is merely a quarter of an inch step or is it a bound and a leap?

4 - This doesn't really make the radar for important issues right now given all that is going on.  But I doubt, very much, that he would even try for it.

Just to point out this topic is one area where Liberals and Conservatives both agree.  When Obama claims he thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman neither side believes him - but the moderates do and thats what mattered to him in the election.  At least both sides can agree on something - too bad its that the president is a liar (not that he is the first liar Prez or that this should be in any way a surprise).


To Each Man, Responsibility