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It's fitting that the first installment of the Ratchet & Clank series on the PS3 is called Future, because in many ways it sets the bar for all future PS3 games. Starting with the opening cinematic to the very last moment, the game is a prime example of what developers can and should do with the platform.

But don't let these minor complaints fool you: Tools of Destruction is an amazing PS 3 game that fully leverages the power of the console. It sets the bar high for not only the series but for all PS3 games to come. It is, without a doubt, reason enough to buy the system.

PROS: Luscious visuals, solid gameplay, addictive story, hilarious weaponry.
CONS: Controls are sometimes wonky; music can get a little stale.

That's what we wanted to hear, I will be importing this as soon as possible


Good summary of scores here 

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