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RayRay102 said:

We all know Fable 3 has just been announced and will be released in the Fall of 2010. First 2 games sold over 3 millions a piece

Halo Reach will sell millions and could break sales record. It will also be Bungie last Halo game so they go out with a bang.

Gears oF War 3 IMO will be released in Nov 2010 (2 years apart like the first two games) 10 miliion selling franchise.

I also think Half Life 2 episode 3 will be revealed either at next year GDC or E3 and will be released end of 2010 based on this

Also, the release of Natal with RARE support and a launch lineup of games for it.


If this is indeed realty, will this be the best fall exclusive lineup in the history of gaming for one console? Does Nintendo or Sony have an answer to this protential blockbuster Fall lineup. Please jump in and debate.


It's really hard to say right now.. the PS3 could potentially gain a very large amount of momentum.. or it could not. If the ps3 does gain that momentum, sales of games like God of war III will probably rival the gears of war series.

That being said... until tokyo games show, we don't really know what's coming for fall 2010 for PS3. Sony has been focusing huge on its big titles like GoW III and Gran Turismo 5 at the moment.

The thing about Sony games is that they usually have far more production value than 360 games, so they take a lot longer to make.

That being said.. for 2010 BIG games on the ps3 are as follows..

The Last Guardian

God of War III

Massive Action Game

ModNation Racers

Agent (Possibly GTA5: LA Noir exclusive, just speculating :P Agent appears to be a code name, and the GTA boss said there would be no multiplat in 2010)

David Jaffe and Eat Sleep Play's game (They are all expecting 2010, and he feels his game has the potential to be a blockbuster.)

Final Fantasy XIV

The Agency

DC Universe Online

Heavy Rain

So.. anyone to say that sony's announced games cannot rival Halo, gears and a Console port of a PC shooter is kind of silly

and I don't think a Halo game will ever qualify for "best lineup in history :P" maybe for this gen, I agree it's a pretty solid fall lineup... but those games will eat sales off eachother.