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Lets all wait for some more reviews, post them here and then discuss.

I never said that "feels last gen" is a bad thing - I liked the core "candy" gameplay in the old R&C games, so that bodes well for this one ("if it isn't broke, don't fix it").

That said, I could imagine a next-gen version of R&C is more than possible. Break the linear levels - let the player explore all they can see. Add some more complex gameplay models, elements, sixaxis weapon control and more.

R&C meets GTA? Set over multiple planets? Surely that would be a cool game to play??


@re - Sunshine: disappointed to see so many people bag it. It is still a pretty awesome game, with some real innovations in gameplay that have never been attempted since. It did suffer from massive expectations though. It is NOT as good as Mario 64 - primarily in my opinion due to a lack of level polish/balancing, and also because the setting didn't exactly inspire the best feelings in people. Bosses got repeated, the chase levels were poorly thought out, the FLUDD weakened the core gameplay and more.

Galaxy has *everything* I want to see from the new Mario. Its not that just spherical worlds have been added - its the additional of "true" gravity, incorporated with these worlds - and moving between them. As far as I can tell, this is a completely new, never before done, gameplay mechanic - and one that completely changes the way the game plays and feels.

Throw in the innovation of the Wiimote pointing, 2-player control, a setting we all want to see (with the return of all the classic Mario characters), suits, lovely graphics, polished cinematics (aka not like Sunshine!) ... and its looking pretty sweet.

We still haven't been able to find *anything* negative said by someone who has actually played the game.

Gesta Non Verba

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