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Well this is the best thread I've seen around. Very educational and intelligent conversation. Wish I had something to add to all of this but I don't. I would like to say though that just kinda asking random people (not online) they seem to lean more to Wii or PS3. I'm just seeing everyone putting so much emphasis on online gaming, but thats of course on all of the online forums and blogs. A good amount of people don't care about online gaming. I myself am not thrilled about online gaming but I do like the idea of downloading content. I personally want a PS3 but Wii looks kinda nice too. Not a fan of the 360 just because I'm into RPGs and don't really see 360 doing that much, didn't see Xbox doing them. Only games for Xbox that I thought looked nice was Fable and Oddworld games. Plus Xbox in general comes off as shooters and sports, at least thats what I think of when I think of them. I know PS3 doesn't really have any RPGs right now but you know they will. Well I'll stop bothering everyone will my rambling now I just wanted to say people should consider the none online gamers. Sorry I contributed nothing and just in general didn't say anything within this topic.