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I'm with Zen on this. Logically it makes sense to go out and buy one of those end of line 80gig Phats. What Sony have figured out is that a certain % of the market is logical and will do just that, hence they have dumped the price on the Phat a week or 2 prior to the Slim coming out at the same price. The logic types will get that phat and have a grande ol' time with it. Sony have tried to time the release of the Slim after the price cut to optimise sales of the phat to the logic driven buyers. The vast majority of the market are not driven by logic but impulse and emotion, and they will hold off for the Slim, but their level of anticipation will only last so long, so Sony had to make sure they got the timing right for them too.

2 things the PS3 slim has over it's older cousin the PS2 slim: PS2 slim was not as good a DVD movie player as it's Phat brother. PS3 Slim should be just as good a movie machine as the Phat. It seems the PS3 slim won't have a power brick, at least I couldn't spot one of those monstrosities on the unboxing vids/slideshows. Anyone want to correct me on this?

I may well get a slim in a couple of years, because I'll probably give my phat to my nephew as a present, and then pick up a Slim when it's dropped in price a wee bit further.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix