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superchunk said:

For one, live-silver does not have online gaming, just content and downloads. So it is more like Wii's current setup where it has moves and demos, Wii has Opera. Two the Gold membership is not $50 per year, it is only $35.

Now, as for the real question. I don't see how MS could keep it for a cost. Either it will become free or they will give free downloads per month to people who pay the membership fee and Silver will then include online play. However, the other question is how can sony afford to give all of that away. It isn't cheap to host tons of servers worldwide for the millions of users who will play online. Let alone home 'game' which is sort of similar to a mmorpg. These type of games for the same reasons always charge a montly fee. Which is much more than live gold service btw. I think this is another mistake for sony, personally, or that they will not give you Home for free just online play as you have now. Home may be changed to have a low yearly cost and the MS would just match that. After all it wouldn't be the first time Sony has changed there public pricing or reversed ealier promises.

 I was refering to the Canadian price I'm sorry I usually put CDN/USD at the end of any of my price talks! I haven't looked intoLive myself but have friends who have the service (Since I'm a Wii owner, no 360). Though a currency exchange shouldn't make a 15$ differance that's absurd.

As for Sony's descision. I think Sony made the dumb descision to compete with Microsoft. Sony got greedy wasn't happy wanted to continue expanding from the PS2's market share. Sony realized Microsoft had the niche for hardcore gamers the graphics the online they descided they had to out perform Microsoft. This was a very stupid decision as we see today. Sony could have stuck to a more competitive position by simply matching or comming close to 360's power. Their whole push to be most powerfull has put them in a very bad position.

I however think Sony will realize this new direction is suicide, not sure what they will do to the PS3 but I think they will likely shift alot of the focus off PS3 and towards PSP in the short term. I have a feeling Sony will reshift focus off of PS3 diverting alot of assets to PSP developement (Actually turning a profit) they will put just enough effort to keep PS3 alive , then come 2011 they may choose to delay the PS4 or if the PS3 is beyond saving they may release PS4 in 2010 alongside Microsoft's next X-Box! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer