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bigdom2786 said:
Carl2291 said:
TruthforFree said:
Polyphony Digital still has aA LOT of work work to do if they wanna catch up to Forza 3.

The customization and online aspects of Forza 3 blow GT5 out of the water.

Not surprising this won't release until 2010.

GT5 has twice as many cars as Forza 3

GT5 has more rally than Forza 3

GT5 has more weather than Forza 3

GT5 has more NASCAR than Forza 3

GT5 has more Youtube than Forza 3

GT5 has more Top Gear than Forza 3

And much, much more.


Umm....Forza 3= 2 years in development.... comes out in Oct.

GT5= 5+ years in development...comes out...when again?


Lets face it, the only reason GT5 will ahve the edge over Forza is because Turn 10 decided not to go on a 5 + year dev cycle and give them a game they will still enjoy...

Turn 10 didn't have a choice... Their penny pinching publisher wouldn't allow it. IMO, even if they got the 5+ yead dev cycle it wouldn't have been as good as GT. PD is way too experienced in the genre.