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TruthforFree said:
Carl2291 said:
TruthforFree said:
Polyphony Digital still has aA LOT of work work to do if they wanna catch up to Forza 3.

The customization and online aspects of Forza 3 blow GT5 out of the water.

Not surprising this won't release until 2010.




You never even responded to what I said, instead you included an irrelevent list because you know gt5 CANNOT COMPETE with FORZA 3's massively better online, better customization, and better damage.


Sad you lie to yourself.

Better damage? You run into a solid wall at 200 mph and all you get is a little bumper deformation. In real life, your car would break into tiny little pieces and fly all over the place. And, seriously, stop talking about Forza 3 like you own it and played the hell out of it.