I think the chart looks much better now that the text is centered, and removing that column did help a little. Now maybe the only problem is it is getting so long, it is hard to remember what each column is for after you scroll down. Maybe put the title before each platform, especially if you continue to add games.
As for the updates Great job for Forza, having the biggest increase in sales so far, even if that is partly because of the bundle. The 360 having the game with the biggest increase, and the PS3 with the game with the biggest decrease just goes to show, how much better the 360 is doing software sales wise. It is very impressive.
For the predictions, I think all of them are currently are a little high, especially GT5, no way it will break 11 million. I also don't think there is a chance for FFXIII to break 9 million even if it is multiplat, but we'll see.