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2 things:

1) I'm not sure I trust this survey.....BUT

2) I am alarmed at both the PS3 and 360 failure rates if this survey is true. Both camps have something to learn from this. One is that the PS3 is at an unacceptable failure rate. When another survey claimed that the 360 was at 10% after Falcon, a lot of PS3 owners were crying foul and saying this was still unacceptable so are they now also going to have to live with an unacceptable failure rate? I do think there has been a lot of YLoD chatter lately, and I am not surprised by the 10% figure. The 360 has pretty much always been at an unacceptable failure rate, but I really don't understand how they came up with this high of a number. I refuse to accept that Jasper and Falcon haven't greatly improved the rates.