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I'll admit it. The reason I have never bought a 360 is because of RROD. Not because I'm afraid of it failing and having to get a new one, but because I hate rewarding a company for doing such a crappy job. In fact I actually like quite a few of the exclusives it has, and LIVE is in my opinion a much better service, even if I don't think it's worth 50$ a year. But I really don't like Microsoft and only buy they're products when I have to. Capitalism has made crappy products acceptable as long as they still turn a profit. The Walmart Syndrome has led to a huge decrease in the quality control of consumer product. I notice alot more while travelling in United States compared to when I was in Europe and Asia, probably because the US is by far the biggest cheerleader for capitalism. But If Sony had designed a PS3 with a very high failure rate, I wouldn't have bought it either. Even the 10% failure rate that the PS3 has seems too high to me. I understand that its mass produced tech and these have a tendancy to fail, but I really wish this industry was alot more like the aviation industry where quality control is of the upmost importance. So I try to do the best I can to affect change by voting with my wallet.