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"As some of you know I have tie-ins with people in the gaming media and here's what some of them told me to report.

None of the game modes and features have yet been announced but it is expected that most, if not all, of the original modes, maps and even the DLC will be available for the Wii iteration.

This is Treyarch's third CoD effort on Wii and second effort with the CoD 4 game engine on Wii. That's a lot of experience on Wii and this engine.

Feature wise the maps are much smaller than those in World at War meaning Wii should be able to up the player count to HD console Levels (12-16). The SD card has been fully opened (starting with another Activision studio) so all DLC should either be made available for download or will already be on the disc.

We already know that Vicarious Visions (that other Actvision studio) is really doing things to make the Wii seem more like the other consoles by adding a lot of things to GH 5. Adding the always-on connection. Soon as you put the GH 5 disc into the Wii, it'll sign you in online and you'll always be online until you turn off the Wii. That's right, your still online even at the Wii Menu. Vicarious Visions added true SD card support. Meaning the game doesn't save onto your Wii internal memory whatsoever. Your downloads will go straight to the SD card. Also you can play things directly from the SD card. Meaning that true DLC is possible. Also instead of using a separate friend code, GH 5 uses your Wii Console Code friends. It's pretty much a "no-brainer" that Activision is bringing this stuff over to pretty much all of their future online Wii titles since Vicarious Visions decided to license their online interface out to other devs. We already know how Activision likes bringing things over from other games.

True DLC wasn't really practical on the Wii before because instead of going straight to the SD card, downloads would go to both the Wii's internal memory and then the SD card. Using up a lot of space. Now Nintendo has changed their tone and actually helped Vicarious Visions with the online interface. With what Activision and VV have done is opened up the possibility of true DLC (map packs, modes, weapons, characters) by allowing downloads to go straight to the SD card and to be played directly from the SD card.

I can also tell you guys that Treyarch has updated the engine for the Wii, so it should play and feel much better. No frame rate drops to jagged textures etc. The thing we don't know is if the game will actually still be running at 30 FPS. Or if the game will have customizable controls like The Conduit, Red Steel 2, MoH: H2."

That from a man on the CoD forums, he's trustworthy. Plus he also supports his cause here.