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Fractal of Time said:
NorthStar said:
Fractal of Time said:

Hardcore means really into gaming. Playing complex & hard games. There buying lots of games and will buy PS3, Wii and Xbox 360. They like exclusive games. They beat a game 3 times or more. They only play good games.

Casual means they like gaming nothing more nothing less. They think good graphics=good games. They buy one console and about 15 games a generation. I'm sure they will have EA games. They don't finish a game. They are buying crappy movie games.

Wii is also for Hardcore gamers, but they buy a Wii for Zelda, Mario enz.  So a kiddy looking game could be hardcore. The hardcoregamer knows that.

I agree some cartoony game can be Hardcore most core Mario games are at the edge of Casual and hardcore I think I would definitly agree Zelda is Hardcore. just to pose another question in online play Hardcore or Casual.?

The only problems i see with your definition of hardcore is why buy all systems and then care about exclusives? If you have every console why the hell do yu care about exclusives?

Then if Caual gamers care so much about graphics why would Nintendo think otherwise and make a less graphical power house to appeal to casual and non-gamers? How does the wii mote cater to more the Casual or Hardcore gamer?

Myself I think Graphics and  motion controls are not even a factor in what a hardcore game is. To me a Hardcore game is like an Epic movie or novel Story is probly the most important to me. I don't own all systems but does that make me Casual? Or just not rich(or able to explain to my wife why I need a 360 yet)


Not all the hardcore gamers buy all 3 consoles. Some casual gamers may have all 3 consoles and too much money. I someone says he or she has all 3 console I would expect he or she isa hardcore gamer. You don't need to buy all 3 consoles to be a hardcore gamer. It could be just one console. You can be a hardcore gamer just for one game like playing Counterstrike for 5 years 24/7.

Casual gamers will pick up a console between $350-$150. They play games like FPS Racegames all the popular genres. They consider games like GTA as a good game, because they heard from friends not by reading a review on the internet. Nintendo is attracting people who are buying a console @ $150 or less. They are more into Singstar Buzz and stuff. Those are between the non-gamers and casual gamers.

It's not realy like all casual gamers only like graphics. But most of them do. If ask them why is that game good? They would say Because it's beautifull.

Online play: casual gamers play online, hardcore gamers also. You don't have to bean online gamer to be a hardcore gamer. Allthough it is likely many hardcore gamers will play online. Hardcore gamers will join clans, not needed. Some casual gamers will join clans they are turning to be hardcore gamers.

Games with a good storyline like some RPG's are more hardcore, than FPS. Because the learning curve is longer. FPS is more like pick up and play.

Hardcore gamers have more knowledge about games. They try to get every thing out of the game. They must know how a story unfolds or they are looking for serious competition in online play. Hardcore gamers can also play for fun with some casual gamer friends.

Very good description of Hardcore and Casual Gamers. I posted this in a different thread in response to Mario being called not hardcore, so maybe Hus can answer the question:

Doom 3 - You go around collecting bullets, health, guns, etc. Solve puzzles (also jumping platforms) while killing monsters and giant bosses to reach and kill a giant final boss.

Super Mario 64 - You go around collecting coins, heath, weapons (mushrooms, flying caps), etc. Solve puzzles (jumping platforms) while killing creatures and giant bosses to reach and kill a giant final boss.

So how is Mario not "Hard Core"?



I think casual gamers are a lot easier to define. These are the people that will play games occasionally. They might be able to complete the game, but they don't really take the time to master it. They don't really get into the story. They can pick up several games, but never really finish them. They are not interested in getting better at the game, just merely an activity to pass the time.

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