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Is there really any need to worry about the popularity of the series… if anything there’s been an increase in popularity since D/P.

But I do agree with you in some areas. I’m really bored with all these random teams that crop up in the Pokemon world. Why can’t they have a plot that involves some threat without Team Useless chucking Wurples at you?

And yes the Legendary/event Pokemon issue is getting out of hand. It’s not so much catching them that bothers me but the sheer number. They just don’t feel unique anymore.

As for the number of Pokemon. I see what you’re saying and agree to some extent. I’d prefer a game of new Pokemon (with a few from other regions), but we don’t need all of them. They can’t keep stacking up new Pokemon on top of each other, there has to be a point where they say “ok sorry but we just can’t include all the pokemon”. But I do like new evolutions of old Pokemon (how can you not?!), especially if it makes them useable. Babies I don’t understand however...