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Microsoft is aiming for 3 consoles, before making profits. For this generation 360 will be last. Because PS3 has build-in Blu-ray, a Blu-ray addon will work but not that great. PSN is free, hardcore gamers will pay for LIVE casual gamers won't. Games for Windows don't think Valve games will come to Games for Windows. Halo 2 for PC it's too old. PS3 could get rumble 2.0, and maybe PS3 will get some gloves whichwillmake it worse for 360. 360 is getting better support from third party. PS3 has more 1st party than 360. More 1st party will lead to more third party. PS3 is losing exclusives not third party. I think they are trying to attract hardcore gamers with Blue Dragon & Lost Oddesy. It's Turn Based which is wrong to attract mainstream Japan. They need to make Real Time RPG's. Mistwalker is not enough. They need a Xbox 720, to Break-Even, that will be 2016 or later.