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Personally I think that the chances are pretty sure that MW2 is going to come to the Wii in maybe a few months after MW1 does. "Why would you release the first one" you may ask. The answer is too obvious. It's to obviously get Wii owners familiar with the franchise and the story of the game. Modern Warfare, at least to me is a totally different franchise compared to all the other CoDs since it changed all of the mechanics of the franchise. If you don't release the first MW Wii owners will be saying "Who's Capt. Price" and "He's Dead?"

So considering my own thoughts and what theonestar thinks we are expecting MW2 for Wii maybe in early-mid 2010. They definitely won't release MW2 Wii around the same time as Treyarch's next Call of Duty title in 2010.

I don't think anyone said that MW2 is "definitely" not coming to the Wii. "They just said they didn't have plans as of now." And with MW1 coming to the Wii, they will probably release the 2nd one.

What do you guys think?