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I'm not sure about the releasing in 2011 part though as Trivium says. That's just way too far down the road. A new Nintendo console would have been known about by then and we know how Nintendo pretty much drops support of a console if a new one is coming out.

I still believe we should see Modern Warfare 2 Wii in mid 2010 because if you look at what Activision could do. They will release MW1 in November 2009, release MW2 in Spring/Summer 2010, and then Treyarch's next CoD in November 2010. That would be 3 CoDs spread out in a pretty wide radius so one game shouldn't be overshadowing another. That's just my thought about it.

Now let's see if MW1 will be taking the same online route as GH5. With no friend codes (but console codes), and not having downloads go onto the Wii's internal memory but the SD Card. And that they are licensing out the new online system to any Wii developer. Treyarch should jump on this and use this for the Modern Warfare (Modern Warfare 2) port. What's also nifty about GH5 is the game will log you in, reference your Wii system number for friend info, and keep you connected to the Nintendo WFC at all times. Everything I said above would make Modern Warfare great. 

Currently enjoying: Monster Hunter Tri.