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As we brought the first pictures of the new PS3 TOOL, we also bring more information, thanks to the FCC.

Finally the FCC's images of the DECH-1400A have been made available for public viewing, and they show very interesting hardware differences.

One would assume with a newer PS3 TOOL that they would use a new board, but according to the User Manual, the PS3 pulls ~300 watts of power, and pictures show that it features 4 USB ports.

However, the few internal shots that can be seen feature a much smaller Blu-ray connector, perhaps SATA, as the pincount is greatly reduced.

What makes this unit so interesting is the fact that it seems to take the best components from both old and new systems- a newer BD drive, but with the old style mainboard!

Downloads: Internal Photos [PDF] / External Photos [PDF] / User Manual [PDF]

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