nintendo_fanboy said: Also, speaking in absolute numbers, the Wii has about 3.6 M active users according to this statistic, while the PS3 has about 2.3 M and the 360 has about 3.55 M |
Take in cosideration following things:
- Nielsen Company is likely to provide US-only data, so it's better to talk about this region only, not to extrapolate to other regions.
- Nielsen Company made it's survey on per user basis, rather than per household. So those "active" users should be counted as a part of whole console userbase, not just the amount of consoles sold to consumes.
Finally... consoles sold to consumers in America only x users per household for US x "active" user percentage from the survey = your absolute numbers. X360: ~5.16M, Wii ~4.92M, PS3: ~2.25M - numbers relevant for America only.
I hope I got it right.
//BTW I'd like to see "usage per household" graph, I bet Wii should take top or near the to place in US =)