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Well I haven't played Doom 3 on the Xbox but I've played the other 2. And with a little refresher thanks to a few videos I've watched I've pretty much come down to this conclusion. The Xbox games really seem to shine in textures... but that's about it. Mainly due to the massive amount of bump mapping going on in both of the games. It almost seems like an overload. However, there isn't much going on in either. After playing and watching The Conduit videos it mainly suffers to lackluster design and poor textures. But lighting, some character models, and effects are just way better.

Really the one that shines out as a difference is just lighting. Maybe The Conduit is supposed to be a brighter game but even with the flashlight in the other 2 it just seems dull. From a complete standpoint, the original Xbox games have a more realistic look due to the textures being better. But there is just so much more going on in The Conduit on the Wii. It's hard to give a crown but if I compared the 2 Xbox games to Super Mario Galaxy then it wouldn' matter the outcome. The Conduit is definitely an achievement considering other Wii games but there was still work that could be done with it.