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Sardauk said:

"Overall though, the message is positive. This is a worthwhile upgrade even without the potentially showstopping functionality promised at E3 and due to arrive before Christmas. It's clear to see that the Xbox 360 interface is evolving and improving, and while there's a long way to go yet, it's interesting that what initially looked like being a smallish, incremental update still has so much going for it. As for the slightly more unsavoury elements of the Avatar Marketplace, the bottom line is that in the long term, the market will decide on whether the pricing will be a success for Microsoft, or whether the costs will adjust to boost download numbers."



PSN will never catch up... it is Fanboys heresy...


Sony would have to begin with a NXE like update prior any doesn't make sens to compare the two systems?

u know sony actually hacked windows?

well not them directly but their RIAA in some kind of copyright protection lol.

sony it's well capable of developing a xbox live competition, as least equally as good on ever better.

microsoft patented a whole hell alot of things related to online gaming on a console, sony have to find a way to get over those patents, that's why it's taking them too long.