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LOL I agree with Konnichi :3 it almost doesn't seem complete somedays to look at "hot forum topics" and not see some anti-sony thread :D I mean honestly, I can understand SOME reasons to hate SONY, I really can :) but its almost so menial and silly at this point,  I honestly think someone should compile a list of things people have constantly bitched about regarding the PS3. We should see how many of them get "fixed" and then we should all sit around making up new challenges for the PS3 to take on.

I mean what's going to happen if Sony DOES take lead on Microsoft? What happens if Sony's catalogue of games does take off past Microsofts? It seems like a bunch of fanboys are almost just "waiting" for the PS3 to win for some reason. I mean honestly if you have that much faith in your console of choice, just support it! Why flamebait the other console? 

I'm a SONY supporter and I hate basically everything Microsoft, I have my reasons and they won't change, but I'm not going to go into Microsoft threads and start crap xD. I'm simply not interested in the console and therefor not interested in how it's doing or where its going. The gamecube was the man out last generation and plenty of good game were still created on it, more than enough to keep any gamer satisfied with their purchase.

If you DON'T like the playstation, we get it! The whole site gets it :) Stop wasting time nagging about something you hate, and spend some time supporting what you love :P, it just works out better in the end. Of course for some of us that means FAR LESS entertaining posts ^_^ Flame topics happen to be my favorite. 

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