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Khuutra said:
theARTIST0017 said:
ok ok some of you have good points. some games are worth it more than others, SM RPG, LoZ, but i still stand by my case. And someone else made another good point. VC could be better. It seems like Nintendo is being lazy. There are so many more good games that havent been released on it.

Nintendo should have a suggestions board where people suggest what games they want to come out on the VC.

This I kind of agree with. I basically want their entire catalog on there.

Yes. YEES Their entire catalog on their for every system where all the games are free then Nintendo can finally rule! Jk!
No but I remember when Satoru Iwata was hyping the VC before its release and in the interviews they asked him if the games would be free and he said its a posibility. And where's our DSi VC with GB and GBA games?



nintendo forever . . .