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Yeah the magical free market of fairies and unicorns. wtf.

I'm so sick of that line of bs to fix all economic problems. It won't work!

There must be regulation or you'll simply see the big guys rob and buy out the little guys, killiing off competition and raising prices to increase profits.

I agree wholeheartedly with reducing current costs. Insurance companies are robbed daily by hospitals and medical product suppliers. It shouldn't cost $100 for a roll of tape when I can buy it from Walmart for a buck.

However, that doesn't take away from the principle idea that as a nation of moral "civilized" people who should strive for the happiness of all people. Not just yourself.

On top of that, one of the best ways to reduce costs is to allow everyone access to preventative care.

So, I'd prefer a mixture of decreased costs by regulation of the medical supply market and changes in tax/group ins costs/etc.

Maybe instead of all those different free market insurance companies, we have one that all Americans pay into. If everyone is part of it, including the law makers, you can bet that it won't suck.