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Rath said:
Kasz216 said:

The Nazis economic viewpoints were very socialist... and in fact were the focus of their party.  That's how they came to power.

Their economy was actually trying to promote a "third way" between capitalism and communism which they both saw as wrong.

Since there economy was bad... it was for the good of the people to be subjected for the state until the state was in good condition.

Hence why the people even voted for it.


What happens in nations with high socilism when they can't afford to pay for their programs anymore?  Probaby the same that happens in Nazi germany.  The government takes over the means of production of those industries.  (Though private buisnesses still owned their companies... it meant nothing.)

The economic views of the Nazis weren't even really defined. Hitler constantly said that he thought economics were unimportant and never actually properly defined the Nazis policies ever, those he did define he later contradicted. His largest beliefs seemed to be around strict government control of the economy rather than towards the equal division of wealth.

Also even if the Nazi's were socialist blaming Nazi Germany on socialism is just plain stupid. I'm not a fan at all of pure socialism (I think its hugely flawed and just doesn't work) but it just can't be blamed for WWII or the holocaust - the reasons for those are far more complex and include the sanctions placed on Germany after WWI and a long history of antisemitism. Even facism itself can't be blamed for those things, it was a symptom rather than a cause.


@slimebeast. Find by me =P you have your right to think that and vote against it whenever you can. Its not proper socialism though.

Where did I blame socialism for the Holocaust.

I don't blame facism for the Holocaust either by the way.

I blame the people who committed the acts.

Socialism when put in a situation where it needs to either cut payments to stop programs like socialized healthcare... or take control of the buisnesses.... will take control of the buisnesses nearly every time.

Just like the Nazis did in their socialist policies.

You don't really need to define the nazi's economic policies because you can actually just look at what they did.