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How looks an immoral offer in our industry? Last week we got a call from Microsoft and the contents of this call lautetet short and nearly: "no videos, images, no date confirmed content... only Forza 3 and you alone in a room for 3 hours!". "" Of course I had to consider as long and I stood at Dienstagmorgen airport Düsseldorf and was nervous... but not because of the flight.
So much new... so little understanding in recent weeks there already numerous reports to the latest SIM racer from home Microsoft but in addition to the information on vehicles, routes and modes, a large aspect was neglected so far was: how goes to the new flagship of Xbox 360 actually and what is different to Forza Motorsport 2? How well is Forza 3 really and how does it compared to the major competitors made by Sony? Especially here, the so far all those involved are avoided. We do not.
Also an issue that our community moves: the sound. Race Pro is the measure of all things here at present, however, the Schwedenracer revolves around thoroughbred racing vehicles only. A reasonably serienmäßiger Nissan can 370 Z or Mercedes ML 63 AMG listen well? One vorneweg: Forza 3 convinced not only visually.
Welcome to Forza Motorsport 3 the name shows alone already what has it with Forza 3 to at least when it comes to the technical foundations such as simulation level driving physics and the driving behaviour. In these areas Forza 3 represents an evolution, without giving but revolutionary news... and this is a good thing. In recent weeks, just the many new features in Forza 3 to the fore were raised which caused uncertainty in the race professionals. Here we can give equal all clear, because Forza offer many new features Motorsport 3, but this not forced way into the game of each need to find.
The return coils role, for example, one of these points. You are believe that there is no return coils function in real life? Then she simply ignored and it is on the race Getümmel as soon as she... promised. No one goes in the "race trim"with the knowledge in the curve that demand simply back spult and serving the turn again."" Away from ye shall have at no time for such trains of thought looking line and vertex. Should we then but fatal take in the bands, still way to combat the inner pig dog is.
The next, often criticised point is the brake actually also exist in every good formula 1 simulation. If you want it, turns it off and who once tried it, see Forza 3 even in this mode offers many more racing, so some self-styled "true driving simulator", where it feels may, it would be a guided wizard with on board. ""
The ehrlichste racing simulation of ever what makes a racing game a simulation, is the Physikengine and here turn 10 has landed already a large roll with the Forza 2 engine. Logical that arrives here too no risk and based on the already created. The Forza is 3 Physikengine to be considered a "gepimpte" variant of the previous version, still a lot has changed. ""
In the heading I have known Forza 3 as "honest" and this attribute is the point best. "" Forza 3 is the driver more feedback about your car driving State. In return she is spared of unforeseen States, mean the car breaks not suddenly out without warning you previously impressive. The feeling is hard to describe, you simply clearly remember that you ride on the "last Groove" without however Schweißausbrüche to suffer or the car directly "wegzuschmeißen". "" ""
But when Anbremsen or backtracking new feature is positive that in the out accelerating it feels at any time whether ye are on the road in a front or Hecktriebler or an exclusive wheel car. If the 911er earlier in race mode was also too hectic unto you, he will offer you the more fun in Forza 3 and quite honestly... who sacrifices not even like a few hundredths of a spectacular drift which is in the Porsche Cup commonplace? This is a small step certainly away the skill for a big step further forward towards reality and driving pleasure. Still... Forza 3 is not a Mario Kart... If the "Virtual Gong" plays, i.e. the vehicle tells you "here final!", should you hear should it."" ""
All this following means: Forza 3 allows to Forza 2 meet the different vehicles within a shorter time and thus more effective use. The advantage is obvious: it is not limited to 20 of 400 vehicles, also more players in the position will be in Forza 3 to chisel relatively quickly ordinary times in the asphalt.
The best out gepickt!
Okay, I have some already seen, heard and played and it would be lie now to say: hewn Forza 3 has down total me at first glance. This changed rounds although after the first 3-4, nevertheless, the first impression was once "very good". "" It may be perhaps because that it now believes, that matches the best gameplay necessarily are the games look best. In case Forza 3 reject we us just from the window and say: Forza 3 ranks optically easily on Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.
The vehicle models are a tick detaillierter plastic and especially the environment. Where in Forza 2 part still matschige textures trübten the overall picture sharp graphics are now gestochen. Environmental see glossy effects and mapping (mirror nearby) on the vehicles fantastic out and if after some rounds first combat tracks, brake dust and dirt be visible feels it rightly as on Renntrecke.
The new arrangement and point of view of the play cameras strengthen still this impression. Although there is not the way switch to a pure TV transfer variant always yet and the unpopular many 360 ° swivel to the moving cars come on board, however, does all a bit more realistic above can be but air after.
First quality sound experience already in the introduction we have just the topic "Sound"adopted"." This term equal to several divisions: Motorengeräusche, vehicle noise and ambient noise includes Forza 3. The engine sounds of vehicles are decisive for racing simulation or games generally and again turn 10 guys have draufgelegt a proper Schippe again. Speed blubbern, ROAR or cry the engines sit as you would directly between throttle and end tube. The different load States are also available as zwitschernde blow off valves. Shortly before the speed limiter again changed the sound behavior and shows clearly the player "‘ now ' s's time to insert the next course". "" How far here really realism there is, is difficult to say... I was also matter, my goosebumps anyway.
In addition to the environment sounds such as wind, animal noise and audience are above the other vehicle noise, which are not in the foreground but round up or down the orchestral Motosport sound. Most new brake noise fall on here, which remain discreet in the background, but still indicating when the brake chucks zupacken.
External factors such as bridges, tunnels or boxes walls provide not only in reality a modified acoustics, with Forza 3 we took into account these, however, will probably just to hear the whole subtle nuances of sound shadings when concentrating on anything else.
At this point I apologise incidentally again officially the whole Xbox team... Yes, this had to be so loud.