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Kantor said:
Well, if that is how you define Socialism, then isn't it a GOOD thing that he's a Socialist? Free healthcare and ending a war are bad things now?

Free health care isn't free.  It is still paid for only now with more bureaucracy, rasied taxes or ifnlated money.


megaman79 said:
^bullshit, prove it to me. Your economic collapse says otherwise.

 I assume this post was meant for me, not Kantor.


Our economic callpse was due to government involvment in artifically inflated housing prices and illiquid debts created from government policies and programs.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were government, not private.

real Under a capitalist economy, the bubble would never have built itself up like that (because market forces would have kept housing prices at value) nor would we bail out anybody (they'd go to bankruptcy court like everyone else and the good assets sold to capable companie and the bad assets liquidated instead of being bought with our tax money). 

The rEVOLution is not being televised