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PS3beats360 said:
Halo 3:ODST: I will say 2 million for september NPD. Halo 3:ODST ltd sales of around 4 to 5 million tops. It is a spin off game and not a continuation of the Halo main story.

I was going to say that but then I got to thinking, I know it's a spin off but do the 10 million people who purchased Halo 3 know that?  Are they all on message boards and will know about this or will they see a commercial and be like, "Whoa, another Halo game?!?!?  Hell yeah!!!!" and lap it up?

I think the first month will be 1-2 million units, which is lower than Halo 3.  I think the hardcore is what really drives that first 9 day period.  The hardcore knows that it started off as just an addon and may not be as willing to buy it as they were Halo 3.  However, once the everyday gamer finds out, I think the game has major potential to put up your typical Halo numbers.