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Problem with that kind of PR is that the console is doomed to having to release superior visuals all the time. When a game on PS3 stutters or experiences slowdown or longer load time...and the 360 version doesn't, it always gives PS3 bad press.

Both xbox and PS3 had stereotypes to overcome. Xbox360 was labeled as a dumb PC and a shooter box...and MS has fought hard to move away from that stereotype. I think they may have done the job as xbox is perceived as an all-in-one kind of system at this point.

PS3 on the other hand still clings on to "most powerful" and "bluray makes the difference" PR. Notice how PS3 fanboys always need a hail mary title that they use as the new benchmark for visuals which are "only possible on PS3...

First it was Uncharted, then MGS4, Resistance 2, killzone its uncharted 2. The problem is that on average, games that both systems can play rarely come out superior on PS3...and the consumers can only be fooled so many times before they start to question if bluray and the Cell are indeed gods gift to gaming.